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    irish-dancing-downpatrick irish-dancing-downpatrick

    Test your knowledge about St Patrick

    Do you have the luck of the Irish? Test your insight into St Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, with our quirky quiz...

    • #StPatrick
    • #CultureandHeritage
    • #ChristianHeritage
    • #StPatrick
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    • #ChristianHeritage
    star-wars-last-jedi-malin-head-county-donegal star-wars-last-jedi-malin-head-county-donegal

    Question {1}

    What is said to have been St Patrick's real name?

    St. Patrick's Day festival St. Patrick's Day festival

    Question {2}

    On what date do millions of people around the world celebrate St Patrick?

    St Patrick's Day Festival, Dublin St Patrick's Day Festival, Dublin

    Question {3}

    What symbol is often associated with Ireland's patron saint?

    St Patrick's Day Festival, Dublin St Patrick's Day Festival, Dublin

    Question {4}

    Where does the Home of Saint Patrick Festival take place?

    Home of Saint Patrick Festival Home of Saint Patrick Festival

    Question {5}

    Where in the world was St Patrick's Day first celebrated?

    St Patrick's Day Festival, Dublin St Patrick's Day Festival, Dublin

    Question {6}

    We all know the colour green is synonymous with St Patrick's Day, but what other colour has been associated with the saint?

    St Patrick's Day Festival, Dublin St Patrick's Day Festival, Dublin

    Question {7}

    According to legend, what did St Patrick banish from Ireland?

    Hill of Slane Hill of Slane

    Question {8}

    Where are the remains of St Patrick said to be located?

    Down Cathedral, Downpatrick Down Cathedral, Downpatrick

    You scored {0} out of {1}!

    Better luck next time!


    You scored {0} out of {1}!

    Better luck next time!


    You scored {0} out of {1}!

    A trip to the island of Ireland is required!


    You scored {0} out of {1}!

    A trip to the island of Ireland is required!


    You scored {0} out of {1}!

    Not bad! The luck of the Irish is on your side


    You scored {0} out of {1}!

    Not bad! The luck of the Irish is on your side


    You scored {0} out of {1}!

    Take a bow – you're painting the town green!


    You scored {0} out of {1}!

    Take a bow – you're painting the town green!


    You scored {0} out of {1}!

    Outstanding work – St Patrick himself would be proud!