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    I festeggiamenti di San Patrizio in Irlanda

    La festa di San Patrizio è la più grande dell'anno. Con gli eventi che si svolgono in tutta l'isola d'Irlanda, puoi celebrare con stile ovunque tu sia!

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    star-wars-last-jedi-malin-head-county-donegal star-wars-last-jedi-malin-head-county-donegal
    2024 St Patricks Festival Parade Artastic Dublin Citywebsize 2024 St Patricks Festival Parade Artastic Dublin Citywebsize

    Il festival di San Patrizio, Dublino © St Patrick's Festival Dublin

    Il St Patrick's Festival di Dublino

    Il St Patrick's Festival torna nelle strade del centro della Città di Dublino in modo spettacolare per celebrare l'arte, la cultura e il patrimonio dell'Irlanda.

    Il tema di quest'anno è l'avventura: la città si trasformerà in un parco giochi ricco di incantevoli spettacoli di strada, numeri di circo mozzafiato, performance accessibili a neurodivergenti, il sempre popolare Céilí Mór e, naturalmente, la sfilata di San Patrizio famosa in tutto il mondo.

    home-of-st-patrick-festival-armagh-skyline-1 home-of-st-patrick-festival-armagh-skyline-1

    Home of St Patrick Festival, Armagh © Liam McArdle

    Home of St Patrick Festival

    Quale luogo migliore per celebrare il patrono d'Irlanda se non quello in cui il santo ha vissuto? Armagh e Down sono i luoghi in cui Patrizio fondò le sue prime chiese nel V secolo.

    È qui che si svolge il Home of St Patrick Festival, con una vetrina vivace, animata della migliore cultura, musica, canti e balli dell'Irlanda del Nord. Le attrazioni di quest'anno includono l'evento mattutino Dawn Light al Navan Centre and Fort e lo Shindig di San Patrizio, un concerto all'aperto nel centro della città.

    I festeggiamenti in Irlanda

    Cork St Patrick's Day ©Alison Miles Cork St Patrick's Day ©Alison Miles


    The “Rebel City” puts on a vibrant show with a parade, live trad and folk music at the Céilí Mór, walking tours, storytelling events and a celebration of the city’s fascinating history.

    Peace Bridge Co DerryLondonderrywebsize Peace Bridge Co DerryLondonderrywebsize


    The historic Walled City celebrates St Patrick with a programme that includes a colourful Spring Carnival parade, street performers and music and dance events around the city.

    © St Patricks Festival Killarney 2024 © St Patricks Festival Killarney 2024


    Killarney is abuzz leading up to St Patrick’s Day, and visitors from around the world get to enjoy the festivities including an inclusive music festival, a rubber duck race and of course, the big parade.

    © Waterford City and County Council © Waterford City and County Council


    Home of the very first St Patrick's Day parade back in 1903, this ancient Viking city celebrates Ireland’s patron saint with a four-day St Patrick’s Festival featuring everything from a parade to river cruises, whiskey tastings and music events.

    © St. Patrick's Festival Kilkenny © St. Patrick's Festival Kilkenny


    The medieval city of Kilkenny comes alive during the four-day St Patrick’s Festival, which takes place alongside the Kilkenny Tradfest music festival. Expect everything from a spectacular parade to traditional music and dancing workshops.

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    County Fermanagh’s island town celebrates St Patrick’s Day with a unique blend of land and water-based activities including a traditional parade featuring vintage vehicles, community groups and lots of music and dancing.

    @ Belfast City Council @ Belfast City Council


    There are over seven days of St Patrick’s activities happening in Belfast, including a music festival, Irish language events, a trad trail and the big one... the parade on March 17 which features dance groups, musicians and more.

    st-patricks-festivals-limerick-image-v3 st-patricks-festivals-limerick-image-v3


    The city's St Patrick’s celebrations feature a parade, spectacular concerts, street performers and the Limerick International Band Championship with bands from Ireland, Europe and America performing on 16th March – don’t miss it!

    2023 St Patricks Festival Parade Performer Sligo Town Co Sligowebsize 2023 St Patricks Festival Parade Performer Sligo Town Co Sligowebsize


    Ceoil and craic (music and fun) are on the menu at Sligo’s St Patrick’s Festival as the town tells the world what’s great about this Wild Atlantic Way wonder. Expect a traditional Irish music trail, historic walks, a parade and incredible performances at Queen Maeve Square.